Rabu, 28 September 2016

Yogyakarta Travel Guide

Yogyakarta Travel Guide - part 1

Yogyakarta as known Jogja is the Destination of tourism. Jogja offers so many interesting places. Jogja is places where traditional culture acculturated with urban culture. Jogja called as city of art. Traditional art and urban art life in the Harmony. Jogja also called  city of student. a lot of stundents all around Indonesia even from abroad studies in here too. If you have a plan to visit Jogja for first time here are my suggestion for you:

1. Taxi from Airport to Hotel
  Jogja as common cities in Indonesia doesnt have good public transport. maybe you have heard about trans Jogja. it is Citi buses which stopped in some points around Jogja you will meet the halte in the parking car areas. the buses have own destination based on the code. if you bring lungage i suggest you prefer Taxi cab. but you must aware that not all people who offer you is legal taxi and have fixed prices. I recomend you choose Rajawali Taxi. it has fixed prices. Rajawali Taxi counter location around 10 meter from arrival gates. near bakery shop (Roti O) you just walk straight from arrival gates and you will meet sign board "TAXI" . you just show your completed addres. 

Rajawali Taxi counter

2.  Place for stay.
There are so many places for stay on the Jogja. You could prefer Hotel, Losmen, or Hotel. you could book the hotel from various application such as Booking.com, Agoda, or Air bnb. if you choose Air BnB please aware about the location because not all places known by drivers. I suggest you to contact the owner to pick up in the bandara eventhought it will be expensive than take a taxi. some of owner usually ask personal drivers to pick up you to their places. 

There are some concentration of abroad Tourist on the Yogyakarta. Malioboro and Prawirotaman. Malioboro is streets likes orchard streets in Singapore. you can meet seller who offer various souvenir along malioboro streets. besides that you can meet some street artist who have unique style. In the other side a lot of abroard tourist stay on the Prawirotaman. Prawirotaman have similiar view like Legian Bali. Prawirotaman offers a lot of facilities for abroad tourist. Money Changer, Travelling package, Cafe&Club, are available on the prawirotaman. Prawirotaman dominated by young tourist or Backpacker because the prices of food, Hotel cheaper than Malioboro.

Prawirotaman streets. 

3. Transportation
Jogja lack of Good public transport.  Trans Jogja as comfortable public transport always have long iddle time. so it will waste your time. Ride with Taxi sometimes the driver dont want turn on agro meter so ask for turn on Argo meter before open the door.  for alternative you can rent a motor cycle. If you couldnt drive motorcycles, Dont Worry.  You can order Ojek (motorcycle with driver). Indonesia have famous application to order Gojek. it named GOJEK you can download that aplication in your Google Play Store or Apple Store. you just choose the pick up point and destination based on Google maps. but you must aware not all drivers cant talk in english

5. Recomendation Food
There are some many culinary places in Jogja. Western, Asian, or Indonesia could be met in here.If you from western people, Indonesia or Asia food maybe too spicy but dont worry. Jogja have some western restaurant. almost of them sell Italian Menu and Steak. If you choose Italian menu please try Nanamia Pizza. most of Indonesian like Pizza Hut but the taste adopted Indonesian taste so if you are looking for Orginal. Nanamia available for it. Nanamia located near Yogyakarta Plaza Hotel around 10 meters. The special thing from Nanamia is pizza baked with wooden fire. its like original pizza from Italia. most of menu similiar with Italian Restaurant. I guaranted  its so delicious.

Nanamia Pizza restaurant

6. Coffee Time
As Coffee producer, Indonesia have so many variant in coffe. one places have special charateristic than other. You must go to Klinik Kopi. In this places you will get new experience how to taste coffe. They collected coffe beans from accross Indonesia province. so if you order coffee it really fresh. No sugar and Milk in there so you will taste pure flavour. each of bean has charateristic based on plant areas. you will find unique taste in every each beans. Klinik kopi located in Jalan kaliuran Kilometers of 8. Near PLN grid/Switcyard. Klinik Kopi (Coffe Clinic) open starts from 17:00 until 24:00

Klinik Kopi on the Jalan Kaliurang KM.8

I will publish other Travel Guides in the next part. please ask if you wanna trip to Jogja. 

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